6-3 Fate struck. Timo's finger had been infected for a while and was looking bad. The antibiotics had no effect and painkillers had little effect. Sending him back alone with Alain to Konossoville was not an option. Alain looked really frightened by the idea. We broke camp today so that we could walk as far as possible in the direction of K. The going was now steep, down and up with streams between. We had to look at the finger each day and decide how to proceed.
8-3 Akoro came running back in panic once again. Another elephant! And once it had run away. Akoro's panic caused Timo to fall heavily into the bushes. He had a bleeding nose and a large open wound. Another problem.
9-3 In the evening we heard a shot from a 1075 carbine. According to Bertrand about 4 km to the west of us. Who knows, perhaps we will meet poachers tomorrow.
11-3 We came unexpectedly across a "route forrestière"! It was probably built before the start of logging. The first sign of the inhabited world. To my amazement the locals began to shout. Apparently they had also had enough of the jungle. The route ran exactly north/south at this point. I suspected that they had built a network of tracks so that they could attack the forest from all directions. Thus there would also be tracks running from east to west. They will certainly have come from Konossoville and so there must be a track leading there. But which one? We decided to follow this track for a maximum of 1.5 km in a southerly direction. In the meantime it was time to make camp.